JFMAF/JAS General Scholarship Application

The Jake Foerster Music Arts and Jazz Aspen Snowmass Fund

The mission of this scholarship is to help graduating high school seniors who show promise or expertise in the medium of sound. This scholarship has a broad and inventive range to include; music performance, instrument building, songwriting, technology, medical music therapy; it is open to anything to do with sound.

 Return completed application, personal essay, resume, at least two letters of recommendation and creative video resume to the JFMAF/ JAS Administrator by 3pm, February 18, of your senior year.

Please follow the instructions precisely..read, read, read!

Neatness and spelling count. Type or print legibly! If you fill it out electronically (type on Google Doc) beware of spacing. If you hand write and need more room, use a separate piece of paper. EDIT everything!

Your JFMAF/JAS General Scholarship Application packet will need to include:

1. Completed and signed application

2. Creative Video Resume: This is the biggest part of the application and shows us your commitment to creating entertaining and interesting content. Introduce yourself, let us know something special about you and your goals, use the audio / visual format to bring something special to your video resume that shows how your imagination works. We are looking to learn something about the "true" you. Have fun with this, no pressure involved. SEND link from Vimeo, You Tube, etc. for viewing.

3. Personal statement essay. Include your full name at top. Be creative but clear. Highlight community service, leadership or special talents. This can be your college essay if you feel that is a good representation of YOU.

4. Two or three letters of recommendation. One should be from a High School staff member who has knowledge of your academic ability: others may be from people outside of school.

5. Transcript

6. SAR (Student Aid Report) from your FAFSA: JUST the first page of it that contains your EFC (Expected Family Contribution) IF YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR FAFSA, YOU CAN STILL APPLY FOR THIS SCHOLARSHIP.